Guitar Technique Rating

Guitar Technique Rating - GTR

The GTR helps music therapists objectively monitor their guitar skills and navigate a path to the next level..

Guitar Technique

Guitar technique is chunked into modular techniques that can then be combined in various configurations to create a variety of effects on the guitar. These techniques are distilled into 7 key skills across the 2 hands.


The left and right hands have a very different relationship on the guitar compared to the piano. On the piano, these hands are typically divided across bass and treble. On the guitar, the dominant and non-dominant hand navigate a very different relationship.

Voicing Hand

The non-dominant hand os referred to as Voicing Hand as it determines which notes are played, and how the notes and chords are voiced. Note, the fingers use a different numbering system to the piano. The Thumb is referred to as T, Index as 1, tall finger as 2, ring finger as 3 and the pinky as 4.

Expression Hand

The dominant hand is referred to as the Expression Hand as it determines when these notes are played, and also how they are played.